Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Club Scrap Bookshelves Blog Hop

Here we are with another
Blog Hop.
This time you see a lot of
inspiration with the March kit Bookshelves.
You might have come over here from Tricia's Blog
with her wonderful and efficient ideas.

If you get lost on the way, do go back to
Club Scraps main blog Club Scrap Creates
where you find all 16 participating blogs.
I have two creations for you.
The first one is my page for the
Weekly Chronicles. It is a variation on
one of the ALSB pages.

Club Scrap has this wonderful concept
where they have ready made pages for you
with all the papers from your kit called
Assembly Line Scrapbooking.
It is free on the community site.
You find it underneath instructions.

These circles are stamped and punched out.
In the middle there is a little sticky pearl that comes
with this kit.

The library pockets are also in the box
and have a sticky background.

My second creation is a variation on
the free maze booklet. If you did not download it
and do want it, you find it with instructions here:

This is my little brag/tag booklet
and I have some instructions for you too.
Start with a 12x12 inch piece of scrapbookpaper.

Fold this piece in half.
 Score on each side parallel to the middle line
at 2 inch and fold it towards the middle line.

Your paper looks like this now.
It is a harmonica wise fold.

Fold the complete piece in half.

Fold front and back in the other way. The complete
booklet is now accordeon wise folded.

Open up the folded booklet and cut
the same way as you do with the mini maze book.
Through the middle, but not the last quarter part.

Fold  the not cutted part together and front and
backside of the booklet harmonica wise.

Here you see where the sides that where not
cut come together.

Before you want to tape open sides together
you can stamp on the inside of the booklet.
Once all is glued together it is not as easy to stamp.
Tape all open ends together
and also

the part that was not cut.

Here you see the finished booklet from the inside.
In each pocket I have added a tag with
a picture.

on the backside one can glue pictures
or write a text.
The booklet is closed with a ribbon that is
fastned underneath the stamped
embellishment at the front of
the booklet.

Thank you so much for looking and please hop
over to the always so very creative

Do join us again in April
when we have another hop
to inspire you with for the
new kit.
Have a creative day!


slbt17 said...

Thanks for the tutorial Hetty - love visiting - always a source of inspiration!
Sandra ltb

Capescrapper said...

Hetty, your artwork is always so wonderful and your little brag book with instructions was so unique and a great twist on the booklets that we love! Great idea to create the pockets! Love all of it!

Pat Huntoon said...

Love your brag book and also the way you used the library pockets - great stuff!

Tricia Morris said...

Ooooh--I'm going to have to give that little booklet technique a try! Looks like fun! Thanks for the great idea, Hetty, and for initiating the hop!

Donna Lee said...

Your take on the maze book is AMAZING!! I am going to make a few as gifts. They are perfect little brag books to stick in your purse!

Toni Hinchcliffe said...

I love all your creations, Hetty!

Queen of Dishing said...

Super cute, I especially like the little booklet and how the line of books lines up just right on the finished product!

Jennifer said...

Great little booklet and the tutorial is very helpful. Thanks for joining us.

Kay Williamson said...

Wow Hetty love your projects! The tutorial is great. Of course I enjoy seeing pics of that old water tower, it brings back memories of actually being there with you!! Love the Bookshelves papers with those photos!

Anonymous said...

Love the layout Hetty! The booklet is awesome. Thank you for the tut.

Carolyn said...

Great page and that mini tag brag book is fantastic (Owen makes it estra cute!!)

Shona said...

Love the fabric paper this month. ANd i love you rmaze book along with the tutorial! THanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hetty, Great projects! I love your cool variation of the maze book—that one is new to me and I'll be trying it out after PSL. Thanks for sharing your amazing work!

Cherryl Greene

Karen Wyngaard said...

Oh, Hetty...I love your page, but I especially love your twist on the maze book! It's ah-mazing! (Pun intended) Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Your instructions make me think even I could make this cute little book. I will certainly make the effort and will enjoy what I learn in the process. Thanks

Lisa K. said...

Love, Love, Love your little tag book. I am going to go try and make one right now! Thanks for sharing!
Lisa K.

Cher C-W said...

Delightful tiny photo book! thanks for sharining your creation and directions.

Unknown said...

I love your variation of the mini maze book thanks for sharing the instructions for it.

Barbara Tether said...

How adorable!

Ron said...

Wow, Hetty, such a wealth of creativity in this one blog post!!! I love it all!!! Thanks for the super-inspiration!!

Farley said...

Love, love, love your spin on the maze book.

Holly said...

Fabulous project! I love that little book.

Unknown said...

Love your LO and the little album!

Thanks for all the inspiration and tutorials.

KnitterPam said...

Super cute version of the minibook!

MyAuntKat said...

Hetty, this book is so clever. I have to make this for my dad! He will love it on his Birthday!

MyAuntKat said...

Hetty, this little book is so clever. I am going to make this for my dad for his Birthday! Thanks for the great ideas.