I guess you have seen what fantastic cards
Pam has created for you on her blog
and came over here for more ideas.
This is my pocket letter:
I found these cards in my stash:
They are from the kit Gimme a Ring Jan 2009.
It is a kit I love very much. The retro style and the
colors too. So this became my theme for the pocket letter.
I googled some vintage phone pictures and together
with the little materials I had left from this kit I got to work.
So here are the ATC's for the pocket letter (left to right):
#1 I love also to have something on the outside, so with the
book clip I added one of the cut aparts from the kit.
I used this card to sign the letter and added the date of making it.
#2 The photo corners are from one of the CS kits, another cut appart
and a vintage picture from internet.
#3 The telephones where on a piece of scrap I had in the box, so
I cut them and used them for decoration on the card. Another
picture from internet. The words are Tim Hotz stickers.
#4 Here i tried to combine the tree ATC's the background of this card
is decorated with the Cape Cod stencil and a vintage picture
from internet with a tiny paperclip from one of my findings boxes.
#5 background with the Cape Cod stencil and the sentiment from
the rubber stamps from this Gimme a Ring kit. The "hello"
that is fastned on the outside of the pockets is another cut apart.
#6 Here I stamped and embossed the old fashioned telephone
with black embossing powder. Then stamped it on a post-it note
and cut it out to cover the embossed image. Now i took the "taktalktalk"
stamp and covered the complete ATC.
#7 A stamp from this month's Office Space kit worked perfect
for the theme of the pocket letter.And found this cute dial button
in my stash.
#8 More Cape Cod stencil use for the backgroun d and some
cut aparts. The memorandum stamp from Office Space stapled
to the ATC.
#9 I loved this cute little girl on the telephone and there was
a perfect matching text. The hearts in the background are
from the Fizz kit.
The pocket sleeve is decorated with washi tape
and ribbonson the left side.
On the information blog i learned, that when sending this pocket
letter, there are some more rules: adding some gifts and a real letter
with a little about yourself for the receiver.
So I added a bag of sequins, a ribbon and some
sticky pearl in the first 3 pockets.
So here on the left you find the "ketter"in the pocket letter,
a few lables and a bag of photo corners.
A little more about the letter.
i created a real pocket to add the letter.
I decorated the pocket with the Cape Cod stencil.

Hrtr is the template of the pocket
if you want to create one too.
And in these last pockets you find some washi tape (best to
tape it around a credit card) and a clear stamp. In the middle
pocket you find an explatantion of the pocket letter (this is
a freebie
here) and a bag of Dutch Blend tea to drink while crafting.
Now to send this pocket letter, you just fold it harmonica wize and
find a matching envelope, or make your own envelop for sending
it to your Pocket Letter Pen Pal!
I used my last piece of 12x12 inch paper from the Gimme a Ring
kit to make a large enough envelop for the Pocket Letter.
I closed it with washi tape and it is ready for sending!
Now go on to
If you hapen to loose your way, there is always the
and the list of all the participants of the blog hop.
Thanks for looking
and have a creative day!