Vandaag kwam mijn nieuwste
Club Scrap doos! Joepie!! De nieuwe doos heet "Chapter One"en er zit vanalles in om mooie verhalen pagina's mee te maken. Maar het mooiste wat er deze maand in zit is de "Scrap Rap", het blad dat er altijd in zit met iedeen. Deze keer sta ik er in met een pagina van de vorige doos! Hier kun je hem nog eens goed bekijken:
Papier en embelishments zijn allen van Simply Beautiful en nog een keer de stempel van Stratosphere. Bedankt Clup Scrap voor de eer om gepubliceerd te mogen worden en gefeliciteerd met jullie 8 jarig bestaan! Ik blijf meegenieten.
Today my new Pizza Box from Club Scrap arrived! Hooray!! The new box is called "Chapter One" and has beautiful paper for making story lay outs. But the best thing of this months bos is the "Scrap Rap" inspirational sheet for I am in it!!!! A page of mine from last month's box is published and here you can see it again. All papers and embelishments are Simply Beautiful and the stamp from Stratosphere. I thank Club Scrap for the honour they gave me. And I congratulate Club Scrap on their 8th year anniversary. I hope to enjoy many more kits!!
Congratulations on being in the scrap rap... It is a great honor to make it that far!
I am still waiting on my kit, so have not seen the scrap rap!
I hope it will be on base before the weekend...
I am ready to do some scrapping! grin
Congrats GF!!! Your work is always outstanding, and you deserve the recognition!! Yeah You!!
Proficiat Hetty :-)
You are really a gifted artist and do so many things. I was a teacher like you, am now retired, and I am amazed at all you do and so well too! I especially liked the memory of your Father. My Dad died 10 years ago and I have yet to scrap about him. To me, you are a Renaissance woman. Have a great day! Pat Ford
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