Van harte gefeliciteerd Club Scrap.
Sinds juni 1999 maken ze elke maand een kit met papier en stempels en projecten, die de hele wereld over gaan. Tricia en Dinah hebben kans gezien om te beginnen met het versturen van 45 pizza dozen met uniek materiaal en het te laten uitgegroeien tot een bedrijf met leden over de hele wereld. Om dit heugelijke feit te vieren geef ik deze prachtige houten stempel weg. Geef jou goede wensen aan Tricia en Dinah in een berichtje bij deze mail en dan maak je kans om de bezitter van deze stempel te worden. Op 1 juli kiezen Tricia en Dinah een winnaar. Ondertussen zullen jullie hier veel nieuwe ideeen vinden met de materialen van mijn favouriete firma.
Sinds juni 1999 maken ze elke maand een kit met papier en stempels en projecten, die de hele wereld over gaan. Tricia en Dinah hebben kans gezien om te beginnen met het versturen van 45 pizza dozen met uniek materiaal en het te laten uitgegroeien tot een bedrijf met leden over de hele wereld. Om dit heugelijke feit te vieren geef ik deze prachtige houten stempel weg. Geef jou goede wensen aan Tricia en Dinah in een berichtje bij deze mail en dan maak je kans om de bezitter van deze stempel te worden. Op 1 juli kiezen Tricia en Dinah een winnaar. Ondertussen zullen jullie hier veel nieuwe ideeen vinden met de materialen van mijn favouriete firma.
Congratulations Club Scrap!
Since June 1999, when they have started with sending out 45 pizza boxes with unique papers, stamps and projects all over the world. Tricia and Dina, founders of Club Scrap, have come up with a wonderful monthly concept that has grown into a big company. To celebrate this with them I have this wooden stamp to give away. To win the stamp you have to leave a write your good wishes for Tricia and Dinah in the comment and on the 1st of July they will pick a winner. Meanwhile I will be showing you more projects from my favourite company!
Since June 1999, when they have started with sending out 45 pizza boxes with unique papers, stamps and projects all over the world. Tricia and Dina, founders of Club Scrap, have come up with a wonderful monthly concept that has grown into a big company. To celebrate this with them I have this wooden stamp to give away. To win the stamp you have to leave a write your good wishes for Tricia and Dinah in the comment and on the 1st of July they will pick a winner. Meanwhile I will be showing you more projects from my favourite company!
I love Club Scrap and wish them all another 10 years of growth, prosperity, and great ideas!!! Thanks for the blog candy Hetty!! Warmly, Willow
Club-Scrap heeft te gekke dingen in de pizza-dozen zitten - mijn favoriet is nog steeds de koffie- en egypte doos - en ik hoop dat Tricia and Dina en hun crew ons er nog vele jaaaaaren blij mee zullen maken.
10 jaar Club Scrap....HOERA!!!
Club Scrap has the most wonderful items in their pizza-boxes - my favorite still is the coffee and egypt box - I hope that Tricia and Dina and their crew for many yearssss to come make us happy with it.
10 years Club Scrap ...Hurray
I just joined Club Scrap at the ARlington Texas Scrapbook convention, and am so excited about it. I am so happy they have made ten years!!!Quite the accomplishment!. I know they will still be here in ten more, because
there things are dynomite!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Jackie Cole, Texas, USA
Congratulations on 10 years of success. You have taught us a lot of ways to preserve our memories. I am so glad you are there for us.
Oh my - 10 years - time really flies and Club Scrap, Club Stamp, etc. have sure come a long way. Congrats Club Scrap!
Diana B
Congratulations! Wishing Club Scrap many more years of success.
I keep wondering where was I? I have been missing 10 years of papers and creativity...never again should that happen. Congrats! on such successful dream.
I love club scrap and I miss seeing them on the computer every week. you all are miss. Congrats on the 10 yrs. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations Club Scrap. You have the best products on the market and keep wowing us with your innovations and creative approaches to life events. I am so appreciative of how well you treat your customers, since customer service has seem to gone by the wayside. I look forward to being a club scrap member again and here's to the next 10 years!!! Congratulations Tricia, Dinah and to the wonderful club scrap crew.
Wow, 10 years. Congratulations and thank you for all you do to preserve all those wonderful memories.
bestaan ze echt al 10 jaar? wow!!! ik heb ze pas sinds vanochtend ontdekt, dus ik heb nog heel wat in te halen. en...tricia and dinah, i hope to see a lot more of you and your fantastic ideas. keep on going!!!
groetjes miranda
Congratulations Club Scrap! I join their club in January and have been impressed with their kits. Wonderful and high quality paper and great ideas and projects. I lover the Assembly Line Instructions too!
I discovered Club Scrap two years ago and have found my favorite place to be. Their kits are amazing and have soooo much extras - it's wonderful. Congrats to Tricia and Dinah. Here's to many more years at Club Scrap!!!!
Congratulations to Tricia and Dina on the success of their Club Scrap and Club Stamp! I love the video tutorials they have online and I love it when you share the links to the videos, Hetty! Also, thanks for sharing your fantastic artwork with us, Hetty!
Laura in Illinois, USA
10 years!? Wow what an accomplishment!
I adore Club Scrap and I wish them all another wonderful 10 years!
I just joined club scrap and getting started scrap booking.Congrats Tricia and Dinah on your 10 years! I hope you have many more!
Congratulations to Trish and Dina on Club Scrap. This is a big milestone for them. Club Scrap has wonderful things in their Pizza Boxes. I hope you will be here for us for many years to come.
I do not know where the time has gone, 10 years since Club Scrap was started, what a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations to you and may another 10 years be just as wonderful.
Congratulations on 10 years!!! Here is to 100 more.
That is fantastic! 10 year! Congratulations!
Greetings Inge
Congratulations, Tricia and Dinah, for making an excellent company better and better every year! Thanks for all the workshops and teaching as well as the exceptional products. You have taught excellent crafting skills to so many of us! And not the least, you've created a warm and exciting (or should I say excitable?) loyal community as well.
I was a member of club scrap for about a year and LOVED, LOVED each kit I was sent. Budget situations caused me to take a leave for a while and I can hardly wait to return. I appreciate so much the talent and the hard work that Club Scrap has in all of their staff. Thanks to Tricia and Dinah for the idea and the motivation to their staff. We, the customers, get the benefit from all the talent and hard work. Congratulations on 10 years and here's hoping for 10 X 10 more years.
Gayle Taylor
Club Scrap has expanded my scrapbooking abilities, taught me many new projects, and helped me boldly take on new techniques. I treasure each and every kit I have received since I joined in 2002 and look forward to many more years of this great team of artists work. Congrats to Tricia, Dinah & their wonderful staff at Club Scrap.
Even though I have never been able to subscribe to Club Scrap, it has always been on my wish list! I became acquainted with CS when a friend sent me a "pizza box" full of wonderful coordinating papers and stamps, and I've lusted every since! I religiously watch all the videos, drooling all the while! I'm not a scrapbooker as such, and so I love all the different projects that are not typical scrapbook pages. My newest favourite is the little book made with hemp and beads. Congratulations for a wonderful company and a wonderful site for those like me who can't partake but would love to! I would love to see a Canadian outlet that would bypass customs and be in Cdn dollars!
Happy 10th, Club Scrap!!
Carolyn Miller
I'm also a few years a memeber of CS and once you scrapped with that delicious paper you can't miss it anymore. (and the smell is super :-))
I hope you both will go on for a lot of years.
you both rock !!!!
Would love to win this beautiful stamp! I own many, many of the Club Scrap stamps, but not this one!
Congrats on your anniversary!
Cyndi - Dreams Unltd
dreamsunltd at equestrimin dot com
Congratulations Dinah, Tricia and clubscrap! It is very nice all the things you do and show us! Thank you very much!
greetings Thea
Tricia and Dinah,
Happy Anniversary
Ten years of solid gold!
I can't wait to discover what
your next decade will hold.
Renate ( Hetty knows my e-mail addy ).
Congrats Club Scrap and I love the work Hetty does with your kits.
Congratulations! Tricia and Dinah on ten years of Club Scrap. Club Scrap has helped me so much with scrapbooking. I wish for you many more successful years.
Evette rice
Congratulations to Club Scrap and I wish you continue success.
I keep hearing about Club Scrap, and know it is something I am missing. I must look into this! My congrats go out to you anyway... ten years in business is wonderful. A lot of things do not last that long in today's world.
Bless you for all your hard work!
Especially for thinking of this great give away! Woo Hoo!
Many Blessings...Diana
Well done and Congratulations on 10 years. Good news to hear you are thriving in a world recession.
wow congrat's to you for Club Scrap....good job.
Connie Gage
Tricia & Dinah,
Thanks so much for 10 years of fabulous products and the best customer service in the world! Everyone at CS cares so much about the company and that care is so evident in all that you do! Wishing you many, many more years of success in your wonderful company.
{big hugs to all}
Congratulations to Club Scrap - I hope they have many more years with their fantastic concept!
I am not a scrapper but i love the co-ordinated look that club scrap offers but for me the best thing about club scrap is the fantastic inspiration that Trisha and her team offer! I have yet to make a scrap book but I have taken so much from the tutorials etc and they have certainly made my efforts stand out from the crowed! Thanks to all at club scrap and here's to the next decade!!
I didn't know much about Club Scrap,can you imagine?
I need to look into this.
Thank all of you for your hard work. Ten years, it takes alot to get to the ten year mark!
Congrats! And good luck to all!
Congratulations Tricia and Dinah! How wonderful to have reached the 10 year anniversary! I was unaware that you had be in business that long. Thank you so much for all the effort you have put into sharing your talents with the rest of us. I have learned so much and am looking forward to another 10 years of great things.
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