And the winner is........... evertterice! (please send me your snail mail address)
Dit is de laatste blog candy voor december. Met deze stempels kun je het hele jaar plezier hebben, want er is er eentje voor elk seizoen. Het zijn de Cloisonné stempels van Michael Strong.
Zou je die wel willen hebben? Laat dan een berichtje achter voor 22 december en misschien kan jij dan in het nieuwe jaar hier kaarten mee maken.
I would certainly like these stamps - I have been seeing more and more Michael Strong stamps come in to the TJ ATC swap, and I love how well they work with techniques. These would be especially nice on ATCs, I think.
How very generous of you Hetty! It would be terrific to win!
Judy Jackson
judystamper at verizon dot net
Oooh Michael Strong stamps, so many possibilities. Thanks for the opportunity.
Beautiful card again. I would love to win one of Michael's stamps. Thank you for sharing your art and tools.
Great card. I would love to be stamping with the set next year.
Wat een vrijgevigheid! Deze stempels kende ik nog niet, dus ik wil graag een kansje wagen. Mooi kaartje heb je gemaakt! Ik hou wel van die kleurencombinatie.
Hetty, it's just incredible how many cards you make. I've been following you on the Michael Strong yahoo group. Your work is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh Hetty your card is beautiful. TFS. I would love to win this set. And maybe I can make as beautiful a card as you have.
I always enjoy seeing your artwork!! Thanks for sharing the blog candy. I would love to be using these next year.
lourdesfay at gmail dot com
How beautiful - I have never seen any cameo stamp sets - Love it. Love to win it :)
cdb underscore rstm at email dot com
I am such a fan of his and of his stamps, these are gorgeous, great blog candy!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Wauw wat een leuke stempels, en wat super dat je die zomaar weg wilt geven.
Groetjes renske
mooie stempels, bedankt voor de kans om ze te winnen
fijne avond
Hi Hetty I love the beautiful cool crisp colours and design just right for this time of year. Cary x
Such a lovely prize the Cloissone Cameos set by Michael Strong! I'd love to start my M.S. collection with these, so fingers crossed :)!
What a great set of stamps - thank you for the chance to win them. Your card is beautiful and elegant.
Love your card! Love the stamp set - thanks for sharing your art with us ... you make it all look so easy! Thanks for the fun!
I love these stamps and I would happy if I would win the Cloisonne Cameos. And I like your work with MS-Stamps :-)
Hetty- this card is perfect for winter in Nederland. I would love to win this set!
Really pretty card, and this is an awesome set. I would love to be stamping with it next year! Already have some ideas floating around in my head! Have a wonderful holiday season.
Hi Hetty! You do such wonderful things with Michael's would be wonderful to win these! I always enjoy your creations.
Wat een prachtig kaartje.
Deze stempeltjes zijn mij ongekend, maar lijken me wel leuk om er mee aan de slag te gaan ;-))
hallo, Hetty
What a gorgeous card, absolutely perfect!
That is a really gorgeous stamp set!
Good luck to who ever win!
Grüße aus Deutschland
Fun blog candy Hetty! I would love to be entered to WIN these awesome stamps- you have inspired me- and I have looked for them in the past when in stamping stores and have never come across them.
Michael Strong has some beautiful stamps. I would love to win these cameo stamps. Thanks for offering the blog candy, Hetty
Evette Rice
That's a great set - and pretty card you made with it!
I have been enjoying your Chanukkah tags. They are so lovely. Definitely an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
LOVE those stamps and the card Hetty!
I have the circle - as you will see from my ATC swap. I would love to own the cameos too. I have been following on EMSS.
Cheers, Meredith
Your card is beautiful Hetty!! I'd love to win those stamps. Thank you for the opportunity!
Wow Hetty, how vcool is this! I don't own any of Michaels stamps yet. So very generous of you.. Thanks for the chance
minpinsloveme at msn dot com
I have just gotten entered right before the deadline. I have just ordered my first MS stamps. and i really would like these.
Hi Hetty,
I would love to win these delightful cameos. I enjoy what you do with them and all of Michael's stamps. You are one creative lady.
Judy in St. Louis
Very cute card. I love the 4 season's stamps. Thanks for the chance to win.
Susan H.
Wat een geweldige stempels, ik weet niet wie Michael Strong is.
Maar ga gelijk wat opzoeken.
Wat een kustzinnigge stempels.
Thanks so much for all you do for the MS group. You are so generous with your time and gifts. Hope that the holidays leave you with a renewed blessing from the One who loves you.
Absolutely beautiful! I would love to win these stamps. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have been drooling over Michael Strong stamps for a while now and have been loving all the cards that I see you and everyone else make with them. I have finally purchased my first MS stamps ( 4 of them) and can not wait to start using them and sharing with you all. I think it would be incredible to win this set to add to my new stamp collection.
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